How to Be a Canvas Painting Artist
Painting on canvas is a popular choice for many artists due to its ability to express the most complex of emotions. From traditional realism to impressionism and all-over abstract patterns, there are plenty of styles that lend themselves beautifully to canvas art.
Choosing the right toile peinture artiste for your work is important – fabric, texture, weight and priming all affect how the paint will stick and whether the canvas will warp over time. Pre-prepared canvas can be bought or professional artists will prefer to prepare their own.
Once you’ve got your canvas ready (make sure it’s well secured to avoid bending!) and all your tools are laid out and ready to go, start with a thin layer of your ground colour. This gets rid of the daunting white and also acts as a harmoniser. You can apply this as an all-over tone or lightly sketch it on, depending on your style and the subject matter of your painting.
From Canvas to Masterpiece: Unleashing Your Creativity with Oil Painting for Beginners
It’s also a good idea to get familiar with your brush before you jump in and begin laying down paint. A mahlstick, a padded stick that helps to rest your hand when painting is great for helping you keep precise strokes and can prevent you from smudging areas of your painting that are still wet. It’s a bit of an investment but worth it in the long run! Alternatively, try using a kitchen roll to protect your hands from unwanted drips. It will also absorb any excess paint to stop it running into the edges of your canvas.